The Continuity Forum

The Continuity Forum provides independent advice, information and support to the private and public sectors covering all aspects of BCM, Disaster Recovery, Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Security. We are an independent NGO that specialises in providing practical information, assistance and guidance to organisations of all types needing to create effective Business Continuity Management, Security, Crisis Management and Resilience programmes.

The Continuity Forum is committed to building the levels of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Resilience of organisations internationally, regardless of size or sector, through information, education and the promotion of best practice Business Continuity Management (BCM) and the related disciplines of Security, Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery. 

See for further information.

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The Continuity Forum provides independent advice, information and support to the private and public sectors covering all aspects of BCM, Disaster Recovery, Crisis Management, Emergency Planning and Security. We are an independent NGO that specialises in providing practical information, assistance and guidance to organisations of all types needing to create effective Business Continuity Management, Security, Crisis Management and Resilience programmes.

The Continuity Forum is committed to building the levels of Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Resilience of organisations internationally, regardless of size or sector, through information, education and the promotion of best practice Business Continuity Management (BCM) and the related disciplines of Security, Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery. 

See for further information.


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